Spicy Asian Noodles
Here's an easy one, but you'll need to make a stop at your neighborhood Korean grocery store for some rice noodles & Korean chili sauce; I recommend SRIRACHA brand. 
Start a pot of water, to boil the noodles- about 1/2 lb.
Fire up a wok with a tablespoon of vegetable oil- or another light oil. Slice up some firm tofu and add it to the hot oil. While that is cooking, add two tablespoons of chunky peanut butter and a generous helping of chili sauce.

Drop your noodles in the boiling water, and cook for a few minutes. Pull them off when they are al dente and strain them under cold water, toss in a tablespoon of oil so that the noodles don't stick together. Just let them hang out in the colander. We'll toss them into the wok last.

To the tofu, add some par boiled chicken or raw chicken. Brown the tofu and cook chicken through on a low heat. Add some lemongrass, more chili sauce, and some Penzy's Bangkok Blend.

Cook a bag of SteamFresh Asian Medley- but not fully- only about 3 minutes in the micro. We'll be adding these to the wok.
Once the chicken is cooked, add the veggies. Toss in the sauce. Add a little water if it is too thick. Then add back the noodles, toss some more and serve. ~ Dominic

Start a pot of water, to boil the noodles- about 1/2 lb.
Fire up a wok with a tablespoon of vegetable oil- or another light oil. Slice up some firm tofu and add it to the hot oil. While that is cooking, add two tablespoons of chunky peanut butter and a generous helping of chili sauce.
Drop your noodles in the boiling water, and cook for a few minutes. Pull them off when they are al dente and strain them under cold water, toss in a tablespoon of oil so that the noodles don't stick together. Just let them hang out in the colander. We'll toss them into the wok last.
To the tofu, add some par boiled chicken or raw chicken. Brown the tofu and cook chicken through on a low heat. Add some lemongrass, more chili sauce, and some Penzy's Bangkok Blend.
Cook a bag of SteamFresh Asian Medley- but not fully- only about 3 minutes in the micro. We'll be adding these to the wok.
Once the chicken is cooked, add the veggies. Toss in the sauce. Add a little water if it is too thick. Then add back the noodles, toss some more and serve. ~ Dominic