Farm Share Cook-off

We picked up a month of our friend's farm share and got some interesting things: radishes, beets, all sorts of leafy lettuce, a few garlic scapes, swiss chard, green beans and more.

I roasted the beets and radishes, with sweet potatoes and some scapes. Add a generous amount of rosemary, sprinkles of thyme, oregano, salt, and pepper. Pour some olive oil over the mix, and roast at about 400F, for 45 minutes.

For a quick stir fry, dice up the scapes, and add them to hot olive oil, let them diffuse their flavor and brown a little bit. They are interesting, having a subtle garlic flavor, but it is definitely there. This was the first time I had tried them. Then take your (washed) beet greens, radish greens, swiss chard and just throw them in to the pan/wok, add a little water, lemon juice, salt, and pepper and let it all simmer down. Pull the pan off the heat when the greens are all wilted; don't overcook- let the stalks be al dente.

I made a little couscous for the side, and the greens went very nicely with it. ~Dominic


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