An Easy Meal for Two

I made this the other night for Cori and me.
This is a pretty good meal. Enjoy with wine or light beer. Leftover cod tastes great the next day.

-Saute garlic in butter until slightly brown.
-Add three chopped plum tomatoes.
-Add some parsley and other spices that you like. You can even add green olives and/or capers.
-Add a dash of wine- believe it or not I just used some Cabernet we had open, so it doesn't have to be white wine.
-Add 1lb of cod fillet to pan and cook low for - oh I don't know- 10 minutes?


-Over high heat, fill deep frying pan with water, salt, and lemon juice.
-Add asparagus- prepped the standard way (break the stalk at its soft point).
-Cook until al dente.
-Put on pie plate and drizzle olive oil, salt, pepper, lemon juice.

Zatarin's Rice and Black-eyed Peas

-Follow directions on box.

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