Rosy Roasted Red Pepper Sauce

Inspired by a meal shared with my father at Giampino’s a few years ago.

1 large red bell pepper, roasted and peeled. Save as much of the juice as possible. Sure, you could use a pepper of another color, but the sauce wouldn’t be rosy.
1/3 – ½ cup cottage or ricotta cheese
2 tbsp grated Locatelli cheese
1 – 2 small garlic cloves, peeled and coarsely chopped
2 tsp olive oil
Generous squeeze of tomato paste to enrich color and taste
¼ - ½ tsp smoked paprika (optional, but it makes everything taste really good)
¼ tsp dried oregano
Small handful fresh parsley and/or basil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Combine all ingredients in a small food processor. I like to start with the Locatelli cheese and the garlic, then the roasted pepper with juice and oil. Then, I add all of the other ingredients, except for the fresh herbs. I add those when I think the sauce is close to done so I don’t obliterate them too much.

Taste and correct seasonings as you go. Process until you achieve a smooth, but slightly chunky texture. You can correct the texture as you like it by adding more cottage cheese, roasted pepper, Locatelli, oil, or even water.

I love this on pasta, but it would also be a great dip. Spanish-Italian yumminess!



Anonymous said…
Great recipe--Dad was happy that you remembered you were with him!
Anonymous said…
Dip dip dip.
Elena said…
Dear Anonymous 1 - whomever could you be?

Dear Anonymous 2 - LOL!

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